Edges, edge types, and edge text

We built Nemo to help you express the key relationships between the pieces of whatever problem or situation you’re facing. Edges are the way to capture that detail.

Each edge connects two nodes, and represents some relationship or association between those nodes.

All edges in Nemo have a type, and you can optionally add text to edges.

Edge text

You can add text to explain the connection between nodes - maybe a project will affect another project, or move a metric, or a team works with another team, or Terraforming Mars is one of your favorite board games. Whatever the relationship is, you can use edge text to describe it.

How to set/change edge text:

  • Double click the edge on the diagram view
  • Double click the open area next to the edge type in the compare view

Edge types

By default edges are the generic Relates type. That’s as vague as it gets - you’re just saying there’s SOME connection between two nodes.

You can change the type from the default “Relates” to:

  • Helps: the source node helps the destination node in some way - that could mean increasing a metric you want to go up (“hiring sales reps will increase revenue”), or lowering one you want to decrease (“refactoring the backend will lower infrastructure spend”), or some unquantifiable but positive impact (“project x will simplify the UI”)
  • Harms: the opposite of “Helps”
  • Child of: the source node is contained within the destination node
  • Requires: the source node functionally cannot work or exist without the destination node
  • Before: the source node precedes the destination node in time

How to set the edge type:

  • Hold the corresponding hotkey when dragging a new edge (when you start dragging an edge, a menu will pop up with the hotkeys)
  • Right click the edge in the diagram view
  • Double click the edge type in the table view

Choosing an edge type while dragging